Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Media Deprivation = FAIL

So I really tried to avoid the use of media as much as possible, however, it wasn't even an hour after I woke up that I was checking Facebook and Gmail. Literally purely as a reflex, the first thing I did upon opening my laptop was check social networking. I have noticed that many times when I want to check my email or visit some other site, I instinctively start typing in Facebook, without thinking.

After class, I would normally troll the web or watch Netflix to relax before getting ready for work, so I tried to avoid this by occupying my time at the DDS. Without a book or anything to entertain me (except watching all the miserable people), I sat in the DDS for an hour and a half before getting my license. Sometimes I like to drive with no music, today I was more ADD than normal, and found it necessary to chat on the phone (rather than to myself) the entire trip there and to work.

At work while answering calls, it was difficult to pass the time without Wikipeding or Googling something my whole shift (my job is less work and more thumb twiddling). On the way home, I called my beau and made dinner plans so that I wouldn't sit at home on the computer. Since it was late, we ended up at Taco Mac with 50 TV's surrounding us the entire time. It was to chilly to eat outside, so there were times my eyes wandered to the screen, especially when Nick went to the bathroom. I couldn't resist looking at the televisions when there was no one to talk with. It almost felt as if I were being attacked by all of the televisions surrounding me. I guess the reason I gave in was because I needed to look occupied or just have something to do while I was waiting. When we got back, I realized what a bust this plan was, and in seeking entertainment and something to zone out to, we threw on Netflix and I hopped on Blogger to post.

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