Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The intersection of Media and Politics

One interesting example of the intersection between politics and the media is an ongoing event that is called Occupy Wall Street. This movement started on September 17th, according to a report by NPR, and the protest plans to march on Wall Street and camp out all week. There is no official leader of the movement, they simply operate on the principle that, "the one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%." The one percent that they mention also happens to include several media moguls who own news media outlets. Since the group also pushes for the end of big bonuses for executives and an increase in labor, many outlets have yet to take the movement seriously. This event receives a lot of criticism in the news and rarely is discussed with a serious tone.
This is an example of how the media can frame issues in the media to alter public perception of the issue. Talking about the event as a joke makes people take the event as a joke rather than a serious movement. The difference with this event is that the issue of the down turning economy is a highly prevalent issue that is difficult for the public to take as a joke. This is seen through the tremendous growth of this event.
This event also lends itself to the DailyKos article that we read about Millenials and Activism. This movement affirms Logothetis claim that our generation does meet the “activism standard of the previous generation.” It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the media since it is something that they are trying to shrug off as it gains support from citizens.

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